No..... he's not the little boy from the Grudge, that's Anthony. Anthony is the brother of the groom. Aarons first memories of Anthony are "the times he pushed me through a window, made me put my finger in a bike chain, leaving me on a pile of red fire ants, or just standing there doing nothing when my Halloween candy got stolen". He also was the one who took Aaron to his first punk show, warped tour, and even gave him booze for the first time. Like a good big brother, Anthony was always a role model to Aaron, sharing music and video games...but not shirts (except for that Fallout Boy shirt Aaron stole from Anthony and wore to school, even though it was 3 sizes too small).
Fun Fact: Aaron and Anthony have no matching tattoos.
Fun Fact #2: It's very important to know we play Playstation.
Matthew Hudgens - Man of Honor
Matt is the bride's best friend. Matt and Audrey met in 7th grade and were promptly separated because of the middle school giggling that ensued.
Matt is a professional musician who recently graduated from Julliard and is the world's best oboe player (for realz).
Matthew is ridiculously funny, talented and kind. Old ladies love him, but he will accept free drinks from anyone ;)
Fun fact: Audrey and Matthew have matching tattoos in each other's handwriting stating "no matter where".